Mrs Wee's Personal Profile

Know more about my family
  My family: Mr. Wee, Mr Wee Junior and me
How I met Mr. Wee: In church when we were both in the Methodist Youth Group
What we like to do as a family: going to the beach and botanic garden for picnic
Methodist Youth Fellowship
  I joined the Methodist Youth Fellowship in 1992 and served there till 1997.
It was such an important part of my life that I must mention it.
It was there where I met most of my good friends and of course, God.
Our motto: Christ above all. It was during that part of my life that everything else was secondary to God and true brotherly love were shared.
We had many activities like camps, games, outreach programmes, etc.
The Past
  Know about the younger me
My ambition when I was young: To be an actress ( I realised I can't do it because I have stage fright)
My favourite subject: Mathematics and literature
Schools: I studied in Fairfield Methodist Primary and Secondary School.
Then in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, RMIT University and finally NTU-NIE for a postgraduate diploma in education.
The Present
Age: It's a secret!
What I do during my leisure time: swim, eat, listen to music, playing the guitar, play with my baby boy, shopping and writing poems
My favourite food: Japanese food namely sashimi, nonya food and western food
My favourite dessert: oooh.. I love desserts so I'll name two; new york cheesecake and ice-cream
My favourite movie soundtrack: Nottinghill
My favourite music group: too many to mention
My most embarrassing moment Joining a dance competition and forgetting the dance steps in front of the audience
My proudest moment When I topped my class during my university days. When I played the bass guitar and drums in a band.
Which Church I go to: Wesley Methodist Church
My current class: 3B
What I think of them: They are a bunch of lovable and good kids except some of them are too forgetful.